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Books by Christian Drapeau, MSc, Chief Science Officer of STEMTech HealthSciences

Mr. Drapeau is an author, research scientist and neurophysiologist with over thirteen years of research experience in the fields of natural foods and nutrition. While pursuing scientific research in collaboration with various universities and research centers on the health benefits of certain botanical raw materials, he has lectured on nutrition to thousands of people since 1994, presenting profound health information and insights with clarity and humor.

Mr. Drapeau has been the Director of Research and Development at Cell Tech International and then Desert Lake Technologies, before co-founding STEMTech HealthSciences and becoming its Chief Science Officer. Based on research he produced and information he researched produced by numerous scientific teams, Mr. Drapeau and his collaborators proposed in 2001 a breakthrough theory on adult stem cell physiology. He is the co-inventor of the revolutionary product StemEnhance.

Mr. Drapeau received a Bachelor’s degree in Neurophysiology from McGill University, Montreal, in 1987 and a Master’s degree from the Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery from the Montreal Neurological Institute, McGill University, Montreal, in 1991.

Stem cells, Stem cells, it's heard everywhere. In newspapers, magazines, and TV, but what are they and what is all the "noise" about. Ask most medical professionals and they give you advise that they learned 20 + years ago. Today medical science knowledge is duplicating every 3 years. Author Christian Drapeau brings last months' discovery to his book in an easy to understand manner. Be the center of all your social gatherings by learning from the best whats new and how to easily explain to others this newly discovered world.

A very knowledgeable look at stem cells and stem cell research. Written by one of the foremost experts in the field.

A paradigm shift in how wellness is achieved. This book explains how we know our own adult stem cells are constantly called forth from our bone marrow to repair, regenerate and renew tissues and organs in a living body. The more stem cells circulating the better your health. A fascinating read if you are one who wishes to learn how the theory of stem cells for repair/wellness was discovered, researched and proven. The science reported in this book is completely documented in the Reference section. No fluff here, just the facts!

christian drapeau is an amazing writer. he has the ability to explain very complex things. even someone without a background in medicine or science can fully understand the enormity of the paradigm shift now taking place- the acknowledgement of our bodies own repair and renewal system. Without a doubt, comprehending how our adult stem cells work is very important for medical practitioners and everyone else!

This is an excellent book. It explains the mystery behind adult stem cells. I am very impressed with Christian Drapeau.

This is by far the best book I have ever read, it was so good I read it two times, so informative with references to back everything up,excellent book

I got interested in this topic as a layman from the product which the author has created and is marketing. The book is simple and clear on a topic which is poorly known to the general public and also not too well to the non-specialists in the medical field. It is well illustrated and has 62 references in the back. So this feature gives credibility to the text. A glossary of the main scientific terms is very useful and can be found at the end of the book.

Although the book is addressed to the general public, it helps the reader to have some knowledge of science before reading it. Overall this is more like review paper than a book since it is only 39 pages long. Personally I enjoyed reading it and learnt from it.